RotorDC Cooperative 

Rotor DC is now part of the Belgian National Cooperation Council

We’ve had some fantastic news: Rotor DC is now an officially recognized cooperative company and part of the Belgian National Cooperation Council! This accreditation from the Ministry of Economy shows that Rotor DC complies with the values and principles of cooperative entrepreneurship, such as: a non-speculative purpose, a capital held by workers/members, and a democratic general assembly. This has been the case from the very beginning, but now it’s in a ministerial decree!

The cooperative movement got its start during the Industrial Revolution. The original goal was to create opportunities for people to escape from poverty and exploitation, and it quickly became a fertile ground for innovations. Just think of credit unions, consumer cooperatives, agricultural co-ops, mutual insurance, and so on. Since then, the model proved to be relevant for other lines of action too – environmental or cultural issues for example.

In Belgium, despite a decline over the past few decades, we still count 19.000 cooperative companies. Together, they represent 3% of the GDP, which is impressive! We’re proud to be part of them. And in Brussels we are not the only ones walking that path. Look at Sonian Wood Coop, Design With Sense, BC materials, Urbike, BeesCoop, Medor – to name just a few. Let’s see if we can invert the trend in the coming years!

Source for the statistics:  Coop Monitor 2021 - Exploring the Belgian Cooperative Economy (2011-2020), KUL & Ceraa

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