Horse logging

Parquet from the Sonian Forest

The Sonian Forest, a cold morning in January 2025. Elmo (a 5-year-old Polish cold-blood) and Fangio (a 10-year-old Ardennes horse) are doing everything they can to drag an 800 kg beech trunk from the place where it was felled to the nearest road. In contrast to plantation forestry, timber from forest maintenance is often located in areas that are very difficult to access by motorised vehicles. The use of draft horses is still the best way to move these logs without damaging the soil of the forest - keeping the tradition of horse logging alive.

This is just the first chapter of the production process that Sonian Wood Coop has conceived for this precious local resource. In collaboration with Sonian Wood Coop , we are proud to offer a beech parquet floor milled from this beautiful material.

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